
Sunday 25 July 2010

The Rock

I decided not to cycle to Ayers Rock, but to take a backpacker tour there. Wise decision!
First of all it is a round trip of more than 1,000 km and there is not much to see on the way...
Second, it was incredibly windy and very, very cold....
Third, I got a glimpse into the international "flashpacker" (= luxury backpacker) world and know now, what I don't want to do....
There is a plethora of tours to the Rock and I decided to take the second cheapest one hoping that I would not be the oldest person on the tour bus. I was lucky! There were 21 people and I was only the fourth oldest! Still there were a lot of 20 somethings out for an adventure, but "with some luxury". They got cranky when they did not get a shower everyday. They were travelling with a hair dryer. One girl admitted that she carried 6 kg of cosmetics. Holy Christ! On top of that half of them were German....
Still, it was a nice tour. I saw the Olgas, the famous Rock (Uluru or Ayers Rock) and King's Canyon. All was very impressive, but I must say that I have seen equally impressive things on the Larapinta Trail.... Hikers are spoiled!  But as my camera has died, there won't be any photos!!!!
Tomorrow I will start cycling from Alice Springs to Darwin. Guess what the weather forecast is! Of course, rain for 3 days.....

1 comment:

  1. Hi there! No entries from you in a long time. Either you're lost in the Outback, can't find a computer, or are having too much fun to care. I hope it's the latter. Can't wait to read the further adventures of the amazing world traveler. Bye!
