
Friday 20 November 2015

Why I have not been blogging recently

I have received a lot of mails from people wondering why I have not been blogging recently. And do not worry: I have not been ill. I have not given up hiking. And I have not married and settled down. The reason for my inactivity is quite different: I have been writing a book about my hiking experiences!

I have just now finished the manuscript and the book will be published by Malik in April 2016. You can already pre-order it on Amazon. There will be an ebook as well. But alas for my Englisch speaking readers the book will be in German.

What will the book be about?

At first glance it is a book about the Triple Crown, about the Pacific Crest Trail, the Continental Divide Trail and the Appalachian Trail. I will tell you funny stories, moving stories and scary stories about my hiking experiences. But it is not only an entertaining adventure book. I will tell you more about the psychological and philosophical aspects of long distance hiking. I will describe how a successful business woman became a ceaseless long distance hiker, cyclist and paddler. And how this outdoor life has changed my personality, my values and my life style.

I hope you will enjoy it!


  1. Robert - Amsterdam20 November 2015 at 19:11

    That's really, really, really good news!!! (three times good news)

  2. Congratulations! My German's nonexistent. I will wait for the movie. All the best.

  3. Glad to hear it Christine. What did you find more daunting, hiking the Triple Crown or writing a book?! Can I implore you to persuade your publishers to print an English edition?? Having said that, although as it is currently only in German, it is another reason for me to get off my backside and learn more languages!

  4. Looking forward to your book.

  5. i AM really happy to hear this because I was worrying and wondering.
    Great news, looking forward!

  6. Thanks for all the positive comments! And what was more daunting: Hiking the Triple Crown or writing a book about it? In fact, I was surprised how easy and how much fun the writing was once I got into it. In the beginning my first hike and the book appeared both to be very daunting - but both become fun very quickly. Hiking the Triple Crown took a lot longer than the writing... Would have been really bad otherwise ;-)

  7. Will it be translated into English eventually? I could always get German friends to help me with it

  8. I had wondered what had become of you this year and am pleased to hear the answer. Now all I need is for the book to be translated into English, or to learn German!

  9. Hi Christine,
    indeed I have been worried a little bit about you, but now I'm glad to read, what kept you off from blogging. Congratulations and I'm curiously looking forward to hold the result in my hands.
    Best wishes,

  10. Hi Christine

    Congratulations on your book - echo the demand the an English translation - I've told so many people about you that I know it will sell well. Who is going to play you in the film?

    Best wishes


  11. Hi Christine

    Congratulations on the book - I often wondered what had happened to you. I am happy to hear the good news and that your health is good.
    Oh for you to get back to your trails....go neirigh an bother leath (that the road may rise with you) an old Irish blessing

  12. Hi Christine,

    are you planning to publish your book in a Kindle eBook format as well?


  13. Thanks again for all the good wishes.
    And I am happy to announce that there will be an eBook as well. Both paper and Kindle edition will be published on April 1st.
    The book can already be pre-ordered on Amazon.
    I really do hope that you all will enjoy it!

  14. Wow! Congrats on that book and the publishing Christine, preordered!

  15. English please! Have been following your adventures for YEARS. Best wishes for happy adventures.

  16. Hallo Christine,

    habe eben DAS! gesehen.

    Das war ja sehr interessant, lese gleich mal dein Buch. Weiterhin viel Spaß in der Natur!


  17. I got the book this morning and finished it this evening!
    Great book!Thanks a lot.

    Greetings Reinhard

  18. Hi Christine!

    Thanx for that book. I really enjoyed the two nights reading it.
    I recommended it to followers of my blog and hope you are ok with it!
    Keep on walking, cycling an paddling ;))

    Just in case you wanna have a look:


  19. Hi Iris, thanks for the nice review of my book on your blog - I liked it a lot!

  20. Dear Christine,

    I really enjoyed reading your book. I just have one problem: the book is too short!
    My MIL lent it to me, which is quite funny, given the fact that she never ever hikes. But I lent her Wild and A Walk In The Woods (I can hear you moaning!) and now it seems that she's really into hiking literature.

    Cheers from Germany.

  21. Hallo Christine,
    Ich habe dein Buch gerade ausgelesen (und ziemlich verschlungen) und bin total fassungslos! Ich finde es so super und bewundernswert, was du machst und deinen Traum lebst. Nebenbei hast du noch einen total fesselnden Schreibstil..., sodass ich das Buch in nur drei Tagen durch hatte, obwohl ich normalerweise keine Leseratte bin.
    Ich wünsche dir alles, alles Gute und, dass du niemals aufgibst :)
    Liebe Grüße aus Aachen,

  22. Johanna, danke für das Kompliment - es freut mich sehr, dass Du mein Buch so verschlungen hast!

  23. Hallo Christone,
    habe dein Buch verschlungen und jetzt wo es zu Ende ist, fehlst du mir. Bin voller Respekt und Bewunderung für alles was du geschafft hast, nicht nur für die Tausende von Kilometern die du gegangen, geklettert, geradelt gepaddelt usw. bist, sondern auch für dein Schreibtalent. Ein sehr gutes Buch! Selber bin ich total unsportlich, habe keinen Wunsch so zu leben und habe mich beim Lesen oft gewundert, warum du dir freiwillig so was antust, aber du hast es geschafft sogar so jemandem wie mir zu erklären, warum dich diese Lebensweise glücklich macht. HUT AB!
    Ich wünsche dir viel Spaß weiterhin und viel Glück bei deinen Abenteuern.
    Begeisterte Leserin

  24. Hi Chrisitne, I've just finished your book and I liked it a lot. Your adventures and your style of writing are quit addictive. It was very interesting to read that each of the trails is different, and how you experienced them. Now I'm going to read your blog.
    I hope you'll get well again soon!
